Watch the extended 17 min interview with the co-creators of "Healing From White Supremacy: A Virtual Experiential Workshop On Moving Toward Anti-Racism hosted by IFS-LA. This event took place October 2nd, 2020 from 9-11am PST via Zoom. More information at
Many of us have been challenged to listen to the most inner directives of our heart, and to forge a new path in life that has not been previously laid out for us.
This week, I'm sharing another segment on this very subject from my recent interview with Dr. Harville Hendrix, author of "Getting The Love You Want." The topic of this clip is Learning To Listen to Inner Guidance, as I was curious to know how Dr. Hendrix, a former minister, made the decision to leave pastoral counseling and go on to develop Imago Relationship Therapy, one of the most valuable, respected and effective relational therapies in the world.
Here is another installment of my interview with the bestselling author of "Getting The Love You Want," Dr. Harville Hendrix, co-creator of Imago Therapy with his wife, Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt. In this segment, Harville talks about his personal relationship journey and how it led to the creation of a transformative method of couple's counseling.
This week, I'm releasing the first segment of an interview I did a few months ago with family mentor and friend, Dr. Harville Hendrix, co-creator of Imago Therapy and best-selling author of "Getting The Love You Want."
This segment is called The Healing Power of Curiosity.
Watch a full length interview with the co-facilitators of the workshop, Diana Dugan Richards, RD, and Dr. Jeanne Catzanaro, PhD, to learn more about what it entails, the current issues our culture is facing around food and coping options, and how they met and began offering this work to larger groups.